$40K Is The Goal! Los Angeles Pastors Helping Pastors In Need

Apostle Ron Hill and Pastor Anthony Renty praying with California Senator Mike Morrell on the floor of the California Senate.

Apostle Ron Hill and Pastor Anthony Renty praying with California Senator Mike Morrell on the floor of the California Senate.

Church United pastors are working to help the Church in Los Angeles and the greater Los Angeles area who are in need. Pastors of Los Angeles regional influence were supposed to meet Los Angels County Sheriff, Alex Villanueva on Monday to work on better unifying the church and to pray with the Sheriff. However, because required COVID testing at the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department's headquarters produced a large number of positive results, the meeting was postponed until January. The dozen pastors who were going to meet are all Church United pastors representing the diversity of Los Angeles - Black, Brown, and White communities. One of those pastors shared a vision with Church United about giving $2,000 each to 20 pastors who are experiencing financial hardship.

Apostle Ron Hill, Love and Unity Church in Compton, would like to raise a minimum of $40,000 to help pastors who are in need and have been finically burdened because of the COVID restrictions on churches. Apostle Hill along with Pastor Xavier Thompson (Southern Missionary Baptist South Los Angeles) and Pastor Carlos Quintero (Iglesia Harvest Rock Church Pasadena) will share the vision on KKLA tomorrow with Frank Sontag in studio. You can listen LIVE on 99.5 FM at 3:30 P.M. PST Wednesday, December 16.

If you'd like to give to help pastors in need, send a check to:
Love and Unity Christian Fellowship
Attn: Pastors in Need
1840 S Wilmington Ave
Compton, CA 90220

If you'd like to recommend a pastor to receive assistance, please email:
Desare Ferraro: Desare@ChurchUnited.com


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