HR-5 Christian Discrimination Act

Former LGBTQ people speak truth about the discrimination against Christians regarding HR-5. Democrats are behind forcing immoral sexual practices to be accepted by Christians and any faith who uphold marriage between a man and a women in law. At the…

Former LGBTQ people speak truth about the discrimination against Christians regarding HR-5. Democrats are behind forcing immoral sexual practices to be accepted by Christians and any faith who uphold marriage between a man and a women in law. At the podium is April Lockhart, also a Former Los Angeles Police Department Officer.

HR-5 Christian Discrimination Act
In the U.S. Senate

Church United has been actively engaged speaking truth to House Resolution Bill 5. I’ve dubbed it the Christian Discrimination Act since May 2018 when the House passed a proposed law that would force churches and Christian organization to hire lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, queer/questioning people. The United States Senate never heard the bill. Power has shifted and now the Democrat controlled Senate will more than likely hear the bill, however, I believe the bill does not have enough votes to pass the Senate. Should the bill become law, Church United is working with our legal team to file a lawsuit.

Pastor *|FNAME|*, will you join me and thousands of Former LGBTQ people who see the injustice in a bill that claims equality while canceling Christians, pastors, Christian schools and universities, and Christian non-profits, to legislation that would completely transform Christianity in the United States to a government controlled and regulated industry. Please join me in speaking and peaching against HR-5 and please do not use the word set “Equality Act”. There is nothing truthful about that statement even if it’s disqualified with your words before or after the statement – the phrase is deceitful.

Former LGBTQ people are modern day lepers and a Super Minority. When Church United sponsored a trip to the Capitol only two members of Congress in the United States Senate and House of Representatives would meet with us in person. They were Republicans Louie Gohmert (Texas) and Doug LaMalfa (California). Represenative Gohmert is in the video with us!

Vocal artist Edward Byrd a Former Androgynous (Transgender) sang the old church hymn, “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” viewed over 4.7 million times.

Vocal artist Edward Byrd a Former Androgynous (Transgender) sang the old church hymn, “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” viewed over 4.7 million times.

Let me encourage you with these videos of Former LGBTQ people, many of them are pastors, who shared their personal stories of transformation out of lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism/androgynous, and queer/questioning, to staffers representing the Senate and House of Represenatives. They boldly, kindly, and in the grace and truth in which they live, poured out Jesus to many who’ve never heard of such heart renovations. I wish I had the time to tell all the stories of these beautiful metamorphoses of CHANGED lives.

Vocal artist Edward Byrd a former androgynous (Transgender) sang the old church hymn, “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” and I posted the video on my Facebook page and to date it’s been viewed over 4.7 million times.

Click to watch:
Edward Byrd video (1.31 minutes)
Church United HR-5 Former LGBTQ Stories (6.2 minutes)

Pastors, please do not let these Former LGBTQ people speak and stand alone. Please help unite the Church to stand with them in His grace and truth! Let us be Jesus with skin on to a lost and dying world who desperately needs him!


Un Éxodo


Pastor falsamente arrestado por desintegrarse racismo