Hollywood: Human Trafficking, Boxing & Revolution

Are you a theatrical release movie fan? I prefer to watch films in the comfort of my La-Z-Boy so I can hit pause when I have to use the bathroom. Watching at home also allows me to get up from that plush leather chair to make healthy popcorn.

To be honest, there’s not been a lot of homemade popcorn in recent years, with mostly junk films coming out of the entertainment industry. It’s been so bad that five years ago — after Church United secured Oscar rehearsal tickets at the former Kodak Theatre in Hollywood — one of our donors hosted 50 Former LGBT people at the famous venue. The opportunity led us to do a prayer walk around the theater, pray inside the venue, and after the Oscar rehearsal was over, we went to the top of a nearby apartment building, got on our knees on the rooftop, and prayed over Hollywood. It was a strategic praying location as the building was adjacent to Capitol Records.

On this side of heaven, I’m not sure how those prayers were answered, but the film industry has come out with some fantastic films in 2023. Because of Church United’s strong networking efforts, I’m often invited to preview films prior to their public release and recently I’ve seen three on the big screen. I strongly endorse the content of all three films as a must-see. I encourage you to promote these gems with your congregation and spheres of influence. Strong box office numbers inspire filmmakers to make more faith-friendly films. These are the three to watch: 

  1. Sound of Freedom

  2. Big George Foreman

  3. Jesus Revolution

Sound of Freedom is leading at the box office and exceeding secular films including Disney’s Indiana Jones and others as a summer blockbuster hit! I’m sure you’ve heard Sound of Freedom is a faith-based film (it isn’t) and it was a low-budget movie (yes, low budget for the film industry). Be advised, the film is hard to watch. Though the topic is sickening, and it’s hard to imagine such evil exists, the content is masterfully done and it is necessary to shed light on this evil so we can stop it.  

Big George Foreman is a film about the two-time, heavy-weight boxing champion. I’m not a big sports fan, especially when it comes to boxing (ironically, I do love to watch Ultimate Fighting Championship matches). I recall my father talking about boxing matches and champions but those conversations never piqued my interest, which explains why I did not know the boxer George Foreman was also the same man behind the George Foreman grills! I had no idea of his story, upbringing, his successful career, and his rags-to-riches-to-rags story. I’ll stop there so as not to give away the storyline, but Big George’s transformed life should be shared and retold. See the movie if you haven’t already!

Jesus Revolution brought me to laughter and tears since I related to the behind-the-scenes turmoil — real-life relationship struggles among church leaders — incidents that most Christians never see or hear. It was also fun to see familiar hometown places on the big screen from an era before my time. The film is a living testament of what God has done in and through the Calvary Chapel denomination — oh wait…that’s right, Calvary Chapel isn’t a denomination. ☺

As you may have guessed, I’m not a fan of Hollywood or the media. We rid our family of cable TV in 2013 and haven’t watched network since. As of today, I’m happy to report our family has saved more than $12,000 in cable bills while also foregoing financial support of an industry that openly mocks God and those who follow Him. That said, when something good makes its way through the valley of the shadow of death, I want to celebrate it! I hope you will, too!

Here to serve you,



Knesset Member Haskel And Church United Recap


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